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成功签约北京janes And Hooch酒吧安防监控系统安装工程

类别:公司动态 日期:2021-01-27 17:40:31

Apothecary’s Leon Lee and d.lounge’s

Warren Pang have come together to create a hybrid of their respective establishments, a cool lounge with strong, well-mixed, vintage cocktails and impeccable ambiance.

The ample bar is located on the first floor, with two sets of stairs leading up to large, comfortable booths on the second story. Décor is the same trendy black-painted brick and exposed light bulbs as Punk, Mosto and Niajo.

The name, by the way, translates as “booze and chicks” in the slang of a classier era, and the old-timey influence is tangible. American jazz gives the place a sophisticated vibe and pairs well with the cocktails, which are classic and strong. The Dark and Fruity (RMB70), made with ginger ale, is a crowd pleaser, and we loved the assertive, old-fashioned taste of the Boulavadier (RMB70), a blend of Campari, Cinzano rosso and Old Fitzgerald bourbon. Whisky is central to the drinks list, and the bourbon and rye collections (from RMB55) are particularly impressive.

Although the bar is still in very soft opening, the wait staff was adequately familiar with the menu. Drinks did take a long time to arrive—over 30 minutes for some—and we hope this doesn’t get worse as the bar’s popularity grows.

Our rating: 4/5 stars


What: Janes and Hooch

Where: Gongti Beilu, Courtyard 4, 工体北路4号院